You aren't tired because you need more sleep…

When women tell me they’re tired, it’s usually a deep, soul-level fatigue. A disconnect from themselves and what brings them life. 

They feel drained from constant giving and never feeling filled back up. 

They feel overwhelmed to the point of shut down. 

And yes, with little ones in the bed with them they also may be feeling plain old sleepy! 

But this reel is for when the kiddos are sleeping and you still feel exhausted.

When you’ve done “all the things” and that fatigue just is an ever present feeling. 

When you find yourself reminiscing to “the good old days” and are fairly certain the good old days are done and past. 

You’re uninspired because you’ve disconnected from the magic of life. The constant busyness and expectations have taken over and you’ve lost sense of who you are and all the glistening, glorious wonders of you. 

You’re taxing your body by trying to live and work from the masculine hustle. You’re trying to be the exact same day in, and day out. You’re frustrated with yourself and feel like in order to make any progress you have to constantly push through with energy you don’t have. You’re in a grind and the only way to survive is to disconnect from the feeling body and ignore your needs. But guess what- your body works differently! As a woman, you are like the moon. Your energy ebbs and flows and has 4 specific types of energy throughout the month. The same thing day to day is going to feel horribly mundane to your multidimensional being. 

You have subconscious beliefs subtly shutting you down in an effort to keep you safe. This one really trips us up. If you have a deep-rooted belief that when your business takes off you’ll lose time with your kiddos because that’s what happened with your mom, then every time you sit down at your computer to work your body goes into over drive trying to protect you. This usually shows up as fatigue, procrastination, shiny object syndrome! 95% of your brain is working behind the scenes through your subconscious- it’s running the show.

So if you’re tired, especially after the holidays, here are my top tips for you;

1) Follow what brings you joy. Notice what GIVES you energy. Do more of that. 
2) Get curious about what thoughts are going through your head *just before* that tiredness kicks in
3) Start listening to your female body. Learn about your menstrual cycle and the 4 phases you experience.
4) Quit working your business like a guy. Seriously. (Learn how through my Gentle Business Jumpstart Program 😘)
5) Notice who or what around the holidays feel extra draining. Why? Create healthy boundaries to put in place to honor your energy.

Interested in learning more about feminine-focused living, cycle syncing, or Gentle Business? Let’s connect through a free 30-minute clarity call!


Why Rest Is Important


The vessel chosen to carry Christ was the womb of a woman.