How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Period

Truthfully it’s 3am and I’m awake because it’s my Moon and a full moon and I felt pulled from my bed to write this post.

❌We are doing a disservice to our young women. ❌

Mothers and mentors: you have a responsibility to your daughters to cultivate a connection with your body and teach them how to do the same.


We used to learn from the elders in our community about our bodies. We used to have sacred rituals and times of restoring each other through service when we were bleeding, pregnant, or new mothers.

These practices bolstered communities through nourishing the women that held communities together.

So many girls in the transition from girl to woman feel so LOST. They don’t understand their bodies and the best guidance they are given is a book written by someone they’ve never met, or a class in school that removes all the magic and holiness from the topic - describing the body in medicalized terms that offer no real insight into the nuances of what it is to be a woman.

🩸 You cannot keep burning the candle at both ends, ignoring your body cues, and disconnecting from your needs and then expect your daughters to not do the same.

If you are just beginning this journey and learning about your own body - I’m so PROUD OF YOU. You probably didn’t have feminine guidance when you transitioned from Maiden into Woman and this might feel overwhelming to step into the unknown of freeing your feminine.

If you have a daughter, the best thing you can do for her is to bring her with you and show her that you are still figuring it out and it’s okay if she is too.


We’ve been stumbling around without guidance for the past few generations and that time is over. Reclaim your femininity and in doing so, you will free the next generation.


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

Freely Feminine Podcast: Episode 1 with Annika Taylor


For Such a Time as This