A cyclical approach to Astrology
In the same way, we honor the internal cycles of our bodies and the seasonal cycles of nature, astrology offers a way to honor and create awareness around the cycles of the celestial bodies that interact with life here on Earth.
Already we see how the Sun dictates our Circadian rhythm, mirroring a man's 24-hour hormonal cycle, while the moon echos our 28-day cycle as women as we wax and wane in concert with the lunar rhythm.
A lot of scientists condemn astrology as pseudoscience and my perspective on it is similar to my approach to the newfound discoveries around female biology - science as we know it is in its infancy and hasn't caught up.
Astrology has been used since ancient times for navigation, science, healing, theology, and so much more. It's a foundational study of humankind!
In the Bible, it was the star that led the Magi to Bethlehem. There are numerous references to the stars and heavens in the Bible and how it was the work of the Lord's fingers that speak of the goodness and power of God. (Psalms 8:3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place..."). In the Bible Astrology is referred to as "Astro-Theology". The more I study this work the more proof I have of a Creator and the way His Creation is echoed above and below in perfect concert and consistency.
Another example of the incredible use of astrology is the 17th-century German mathematician Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion.
“Astral influences” of the celestial bodies – the stars, constellations, and planets – on events and people on Earth have motivated careful studies of the night sky since ancient times.
The extraordinary detail and accuracy of the astronomical observations of scholars such as the Greek mathematician Hipparchus, in the second century BC, were due at least in part to a conviction that only with excellent data could astrological forecasts and diagnoses be reliable.
Astrological calculations by the ancient Babylonians led them to make new discoveries in geometry.
As a woman, you quite literally have one foot in the earthly realm and one foot in the spiritual realm. You are the portal bridging the gap between Earth and Ether. You are the only being on Earth who can usher in a brand new soul to this physical reality.
Astrology has been demonized in part because of the misunderstandings of it but also because of its bastardization by the irresponsible use of many modern astrologists. Astrology cannot predict your future but it can clue you into the effects of the heavens on your body in the same way the Moon moves the tides and the Sun stimulates your wakefulness.
The distance from the planets, the time of year, and more dictate the strength of the effects a celestial body may have on a single individual or the collective.
For example, the proximity of the sun and the length of our days can alter our sleep/wake schedule, vitamin D levels, and seasons.
The moon can increase parasite reproduction in the body leading to irritability and discomfort, can interrupt our sleep cycles, and helps to regulate the female hormonal rhythm.
The proximity and strength of the Sun and the Moon mean there are more noticeable effects and therefore it is more widely accepted that they can impact our experience here on Earth.
In that same vein of thinking we can deduce that other celestial bodies at different distances and strengths can also affect us, albeit in a more subtle fashion.
Like I always say, as above so below, as without so within. Anything on a micro level we also see on a macro level and visa versa. The law of rhythm shows us that the seasons and cycles we experience in our bodies and in nature also exist in the stars. It's my biased opinion that it's just as important to educate yourself on the astrological cycles as it is to be aware that this season of fall means winter is coming and it's wise to prepare.
Can we predict exactly the snowfall in the winter or when each storm or sunny day will come? Nope! But we can be aware of the seasonal shift and learn to flow more gracefully through transition and the gifts and challenges paired with each season.
My mission is to teach you about these seasons and cycles through cycle syncing, Gentle Business development, and somatic coaching but I am excited to introduce you to my dear friend, Vanessa Sophie who is one of the few astrologers I have found who aligns so perfectly in her approach to this study of the stars.
Vanessa uses a unique combination of intuitive tools, including Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Numerology, Psychology and Philosophy, to guide and support her clients to leverage their potential and manifest the life they desire.
Her work has been an incredible tool for me and I can't wait to share more with you!
Find Vanessa at https://www.vanessasophie.com or on Instagram @iamvanessasophie
Want more? Check out my course Cycle Sync For Life and learn how to reprogram patterning around the beauty and power of your feminine through somatic coaching.
*Cycle syncing, also known as menstrual cycle syncing, was first coined by Alisa Vitti, an expert in women's hormones and integrative nutrition, in her book “Woman Code” in 2014.