Let’s make this easy
If you’ve found this page, something about Rosewood Woman resonated.
We’ve all seen the sales pages requiring you to scroll for years just to get to the point and that’s a waste of your valuable time. I hate reading them and I bet you do too. Your time as a woman is priceless and you know what the next most elegant step is for you.
So I’m not going to add a bunch of frills…no exhausting 3000-word essay to try to convince you that this is the right fit for you.
I don’t need to convince you of anything. And I don’t want to. Trust yourself. Explore what feels right for you in this season. If that step is working together - use the button below to schedule a free clarity session. If not, I’m celebrating you for listening to your own wisdom.
Here’s what you need to know:
Both of my containers are a 4-figure investment with the option of 4 or 6-month payment plans.
Both containers are a minimum of a 3-month commitment.
Clarity sessions are between 30 and 60 minutes and you’ll walk away with clarity on your next most intelligent step - whether that’s working together or something else entirely.
If you want to explore either program more just click the buttons below.
Learn More
Haven: Private Coaching
Haven is the program for you if you hear the call to return to your feminine but don't know where to start.
This is a transformational 3-month 1:1 journey for the woman ready to step into her fullness; and heal what’s holding her back so she can live passionately, purposefully, and by design.
Gentle Business Jumpstart
This program is for the burnt-out boss babe in a constant hustle who wants to step into her feminine to become a thriving woman with a sustainable business without sacrificing her health, success, or softness. You'll learn how to develop a pleasurable, Gentle Business through strategy, harnessing the power of your biology as a woman, somatic release, + masculine system development to hold you in safety.